About Us


The nidra institute of inner science is dedicated to raising human Consciousness and fosters global harmony through individual transformation

What is YOGA

The Sanskrit word yoga comes from the word YUJ Which means to unite yoga is the union of the individual with the of existence . Also commonly referred to as self realization Nidra inner course offered as an intensive program for personal growth it is environment established to possibility to explore the higher dimensions of life. Nidra will do hatha yoga program extensive exploration into the full depth and magical of hatha yoga

Types OF yoga Method

  • Nidra yoga
  • Hatha yoga
  • Raja yoga
  • Bakthi yoga
  • Karma yoga
  • Nidra kriya

Yoga TTC will contuct every month 01 to 25 . 200 hours 300 hours TTC course Join now

Time Schedule Events
5:20 AM Wake up Bel
6:00 AM Satsang group meditation (chanting talk)
7:30 AM Tea time
8:00 AM Asana classes (begginer & intermediate)
10:00 AM Vegetarian meal
11:00 AM Karma yoga
12:30 PM Coaching class (optional)
1:30 PM Tea time
2:00 PM Lecture
3:30 PM Asana classes (begginer & intermediate)
6:00 PM Vegetarian meal
8:00 PM Satsang (group meditation. chanting talk)
10:30 PM Light out

Contact Email ID: nidrayog18@gmail.com, Contact Number 8086748121