25 Day 200 Hour Meditation and Hatha Yoga Nidra Teacher Training in India

The 25 Day 200 Hour Meditation and Yoga Nidra Teacher Training in India is a comprehensive and in-depth program that is designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to become competent and successful teachers in the fields of meditation and Yoga Nidra. With a focus on both the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching, this training equips participants with an understanding of the principles of meditation and Yoga Nidra, as well as the ability to communicate these effectively to students. From learning about the anatomy and physiology of the body to mastering the art of sequencing classes, this training prepares participants to take on the role of a skilled meditation and Yoga Nidra teacher. With experienced and highly trained instructors, participants will be nurtured in an environment that is conducive to learning, growth and development. This training is a must for anyone who is looking to deepen their practice and become a confident teacher in the field of meditation and Yoga Nidra.

25 day 200-Hour Meditation and Yoga Nidra Teacher Training in Varkala India

200 Hours Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in india

We are excited to present our comprehensive 200 hours Hatha Yoga Teacher Training program in one of the most beautiful destinations in India. Designed for all levels of practitioners, this intensive course aims to equip you with the necessary skills to become a competent and confident yoga teacher. Over the course of four weeks, you will cover a wide range of topics, including asanas, pranayama, meditation, anatomy, and philosophy. Our experienced and highly qualified trainers will work closely with you to ensure that you receive personalized attention and quality education. You will also have ample opportunities to deepen your own practice and connect with like-minded individuals from all over the world. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a Yoga Alliance certified certificate that will enable you to teach yoga anywhere in the world. Join us on this transformative journey and take your yoga practice to the next level!



Yoga Alliance Registered 200 Hour Meditation and Yoga Nidra
Teacher Training in trivandrum varkala, India.

Meditation and Yoga Nidra Teacher Training Course in India

This is a comprehensive, intensive 25-day meditation and yoga Nidra teacher training course designed for those who wish to deepen their meditation practice and teach others to meditate. Being in a stressful world, sometimes it’s nice to reconnect with our true selves and get the comfort we need. Not only did this course train you to become a meditation teacher, but it also helps you understand yourself better so that you can begin to love and care for yourself. Everyone who loves peace and happiness deserves to join the training. Anyone can become a meditation teacher, it is recommended for doctors, nurses, teachers, therapists, yoga teachers, businessmen, students and busy people.

This unique spiritual guidance program leads to self-transformation. Our practical, experiential, and scientific approach to meditation teacher training encourages students to incorporate these skills into their daily lives.

Yoga Retreat in Varkala
yoga retreats in varkala

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, towards the self”, Bhagavad Gita

200-Hour Meditation and Yoga Nidra Teacher Training in Varkala India

Purpose of Meditation and Yoga Nidra

The word meditation is nothing new. He has always been inside you. You come into this world with meditation. Your mind may be new, but the focus is within you. Your inner being is nothing but the sky within you. Clouds come and go, plants come and go, stars appear and die, and the sky within remains the same, intact, spotless, spotless. We call this inner space the witness, the witness and that is the whole purpose of meditation.

Meditation is nothing more than putting your mind aside, putting the mind aside, and bringing a witness that is still there but hidden under the mind. This testimony will reach your center, and once you have attained enlightenment, there is no longer any problem. Then bring the mind into the rhythm with you – “Osho’s words “.

Yogi initiation with Vishnu

Yogi Vishnu is one of the star meditation teachers in India, he is practicing from an early age. Having the experience of many gurus, they have gained a lot of experience and they will share with you in many forms. All our teachers are highly qualified and trained by Guru Ji. To make your experience here memorable. Being in the class of yogis Vishnu will only make you feel different.

Learn in Trivandrum – The Place of Meditation

Trivandrum is filled with energy. So learning meditation here is a good thing. For thousands of years, meditation has been practiced by great sages so that one can easily feel the energy.

Everyone is welcome

Yoga TTC Meditation and Yoga Nidra are available for anyone who wants to learn. No qualification is required. Here we will be sitting on the floor or on chairs for many hours. We do not recommend students over the age of 80 to register for the course as it requires a lot of sitting and practice. People suffering from Asthma, Anxiety, and Arthritis should not participate. But if someone is confident and takes care of him, he is welcome.

200-Hour Meditation and Yoga Nidra Teacher Training.

Are you looking for a way to deepen your meditation practice and learn how to guide others in the art of Yoga Nidra? If so, our 200-Hour Meditation and Yoga Nidra Teacher Training is for you. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to lead effective and transformative meditation and Yoga Nidra sessions for yourself and others. You will learn the history, philosophy, science, and benefits of meditation and Yoga Nidra, as well as the different types, techniques, and stages of these practices. You will also learn how to create a conducive environment, design a personalized curriculum, and adapt your teaching style to different audiences and settings. By the end of this course, you will be able to confidently share the gift of meditation and Yoga Nidra with the world.


200 Hours Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in india

A 200-hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in India is a comprehensive program designed to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to become certified Hatha Yoga instructors. Hatha Yoga is one of the traditional branches of yoga that focuses on physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and meditation to attain balance, strength, flexibility, and overall well-being.

Here’s an overview of what you can typically expect from a 200-hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in India:

1. Duration: The training program usually lasts for 4-6 weeks, with daily sessions that can range from 6 to 8 hours per day, including weekends. The duration may vary slightly depending on the specific school or program.

2. Curriculum: The curriculum is structured to cover various aspects of Hatha Yoga theory and practice. It includes:

Asana Practice: Learning and practicing different Hatha Yoga poses with proper alignment, modifications, and adjustments.
Pranayama: Breathing exercises to enhance breath awareness and control vital life force (prana).
Meditation: Techniques to calm the mind, increase focus, and promote inner stillness.
Anatomy and Physiology: Understanding the human body’s anatomy, its systems, and how yoga affects them.
Yogic Philosophy: Exploring the ancient yogic texts, principles, and ethical guidelines for living a yogic life.
Teaching Methodology: Techniques for class sequencing, demonstration, and effective teaching strategies.
Practicum: Opportunities to practice teaching under the guidance of experienced instructors.

3. Location: India is considered the birthplace of yoga and a hub for yoga teacher training. You can find numerous certified yoga schools across the country, particularly in popular destinations like Rishikesh, Dharamshala, Goa, and Kerala.

4. Certification: Successful completion of the 200-hour program leads to a certification recognized by Yoga Alliance or other reputable yoga organizations. This certification enables you to teach yoga internationally.

5. Accommodation and Meals: Many schools offer accommodation options as part of the training package. Meals, often vegetarian or vegan, are typically provided to support a yogic lifestyle.

6. Immersive Experience: Training in India provides an immersive experience in yoga and its rich culture. It allows you to delve deeper into the spiritual and philosophical aspects of yoga.

7. Pre-requisites: While some schools accept beginners, others may require a minimum level of yoga experience. It’s essential to check the specific requirements of the school you’re interested in.

Keep in mind that the quality of the training can vary from one school to another, so it’s crucial to research and choose a reputable and certified institution. Taking 200-hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in India can be a transformative journey that not only enhances your understanding of yoga but also deepens your personal practice and helps you share the benefits of yoga with others.


One of the essential aspects of Yoga is the attainment of deep meditation, which leads to the ultimate goal of Yoga. In our Yoga teacher training, we give equal importance to the practice of meditation and asana practice. During the course, you will learn and experience various forms of meditation and contemplative techniques, both ancient and modern, which will enable you to master and integrate such styles of meditation as:

  • Cyclic meditation
  • Chakra meditation
  • MSRT Meditation
  • Kundalini meditation
  • PET Meditation
  • Mind to No-Mind meditation
  • Third Eye meditation
  • Sufi Meditation
  • Intensive Breath meditation
  • Silent Meditation
  • OM Meditation
  • Nadanusandhana


In our 200h Yoga Teacher Training in Kerala, we incorporate the elements of Ayurvedic principles and apply them in the daily functioning of the course. Every student will have a chance to meet an Ayurvedic doctor and discover their constitution (dosha) and health condition during a detailed personalised consultation. The doctor will provide dietary and lifestyle recommendations to enhance the student’s well-being.


According to Ayurveda, you are what you eat. Following this principle, we aim to help our students adopt an Ayurvedic diet, which has a sattvic (pure, honest, clean) quality, into their daily life. Sattvic food brings lightness to the body and is very supportive of Yoga practice.

25 Day 200-Hour Meditation and Yoga Nidra Teacher Training in Varkala India

We are excited to invite you to take part in our 200-Hour Meditation and Yoga Nidra Teacher Training program in the beautiful seaside town of Varkala, India. This program is perfect for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of meditation, nidra, and yoga practices. Our experienced and highly trained instructors will guide you through comprehensive teachings that cover theory, practice, and methodology related to these practices, ensuring that you can go on to teach others with confidence.

During this training, you will have the opportunity to deepen your personal practice of meditation and yoga nidra, while also developing the skills necessary to guide others through their own transformative journeys. Varkala’s stunning beaches and tranquil atmosphere provide the perfect backdrop for this enlightening and rejuvenating experience. Join us and take your first step towards becoming an experienced and knowledgeable meditation and yoga nidra teacher.



  • Weekly schedule (might undergo slight changes)
  • Monday to Saturday
  • 7:00-8:45 Hatha & Pranayama Practice
  • 9:00-10:15 breakfast
  • 10:15-11:15 Yoga & Samkhya Philosophy
  • 11:30-12:30 Art of Teaching & Mechanics of Asana
  • 12:30-14:45 Lunch & rest
  • 14:45-15:45 Anatomy & Physiology
  • 16:00-17:45 Ashtanga Vinyasa
  • 18:30-19:30 Meditation
  • 19:30-20:30 dinner

Yoga class varkala

Yoga class varkala

Come and join us for a rejuvenating and invigorating yoga class in the beautiful town of Varkala! With its stunning beaches and peaceful atmosphere, Varkala provides the perfect setting for a revitalizing yoga practice. Our experienced yoga instructor will guide you through a series of poses that help to strengthen and stretch your body, improve your breathing, and clear your mind. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, our class is suitable for all levels and our friendly and welcoming environment will make you feel right at home. So why not take a break from your daily routine and treat yourself to the gift of yoga? We promise you will leave feeling refreshed, revitalized, and renewed! We look forward to seeing you there!

yoga, pose, female-1284657.jpg

Daily Schedule


If you are looking for a comprehensive and intensive yoga teacher training program, you may want to consider our 25 days yoga teacher training 200 hours course. This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to teach yoga to diverse groups of students. You will learn the fundamentals of yoga philosophy, anatomy, physiology, alignment, sequencing, meditation, pranayama and ethics. You will also have the opportunity to practice teaching under the guidance of experienced and certified instructors. By the end of the course, you will receive a Yoga Alliance accredited certificate that will enable you to teach yoga anywhere in the world.

Course Dates for 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Varkala, Kerala

1st/Oct to 24th/Oct 2023
1000 USD
1100 USD 
1st/Nov to 24th/Nov 2023
1000 USD
1100 USD 
1st/Dec to 24th/Dec 2023
1000 USD
1100 USD 
1st/Jan to 24th/Jan 2024
1000 USD
1100 USD 
1st/Feb to 24th/Feb 2024
1000 USD
1100 USD 
1st/March to 24th/March  2024
1000 USD
1100 USD

Yoga Teacher Training in Varkala India

200-Hour Meditation and Yoga Nidra Teacher Training in Varkala India

Join us in the picturesque coastal town of Varkala in India for our highly acclaimed 200-hour Meditation and Yoga Nidra Teacher Training program. This transformational experience is designed to help you deepen your practice and gain the skills and confidence necessary to lead your own classes and workshops.


200-Hour Meditation and Yoga Nidra Teacher Training in Varkala India

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

During the program, you’ll learn from experienced and qualified teachers who will guide you through a comprehensive curriculum that covers everything from mindful meditation techniques and deep breathing exercises to restful and restorative Yoga Nidra poses that promote relaxation, healing and overall wellbeing.

Immerse yourself in the vibrant local culture and enrich your personal practice with daily yoga and meditation sessions, group discussions, and practical teaching exercises. After completion of the program, you will receive your Yoga Alliance certification and will be well equipped to begin your own journey as a meditation and Yoga Nidra teacher.

200 Hours Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in india

Yoga Register Now
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