200 HOURS 28 DAYS HATHA Yoga TTC In Varkala

Transform into a certified yoga teacher in just 28 days with our intensive 200-hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training. Start your journey today!. 200 Hours Hatha Yoga Teacher Training


200 Hours Hatha Yoga Teacher Training. A deep and rewarding experience of the practice and science of yoga was brought to you in the motherland of Yoga – India. If you are looking to teach yoga, this course is a unique opportunity for self-empowerment and transformation. If you aren’t looking to teach, it is equally a profound source of rejuvenation and inspiration that will change your everyday life and practice. Every student will leave this course with the confidence and skills to teach yoga to themselves and others and a certificate that allows you to register as international registered yoga teachers with Yoga Alliance, USA.

Overview: 28-Day, 200-Hour YOGA TTC Varkala

This 200-hour yoga teacher training is designed for people who want to become yoga teachers, but it’s also suitable for anyone who wants to deepen their yoga practice. Join us for a month of traditional, authentic teachings, a better understanding of yoga, and self-healing via yoga. Hundreds of students from around the world have benefited from Nidra Yoga School’s unique and entertaining approach to yoga instruction. All yoga practitioners are welcome and encouraged to participate in this teacher training, whether they are beginners or accomplished in their practice.

Eligibility to join 28 day 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course in India

This 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course is for anyone from anywhere, with any background, nationality, or religion. Be ready; it may open up the gate of possibilities, can bring wonders, especially for those stuck with the ideas of limitations, and can be magical if you are already interested in exploring this ancient Indian art & science of yoga.
Medium of communication in this course is English, so it requires a certain amount of proficiency in the language to be able to handle and respond to the instructions and lectures. There are no educational requirements to join it. As long as you are able to express yourself and be who you are, you’re welcome.
The age of the candidate shouldn’t be less than 18 or more than 60 at the time of admission.

What You Will Get Includes

    • International Yoga Teacher Certificate by Yoga Alliance USA

    • Twin bed Room with Bathroom and Balcony

    • 27-Day Program with 6 Days Class and one Free Day per Week

    • Full Vegetarian Sattvic Yogi Diet (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) 6 Days a Week

    • Daily Yoga Asanas & Meditation Practices

    • Daily Teachings (Yoga Philosophy, Anatomy Classes, Pranayama Classes)

    • Bakti Yoga, Bhajans

    • Puja ceremonies and meditation

    • Free Wi-Fi

    • Free Airport Pickup (Airport Trivandrum)




    • Hatha Yoga is considered to be the foundation of all yogic asana practices which sprout from its fundamental nature for creating a balance between the mind and body by accessing the inner roots of our being. This form of yoga plays a huge importance to breathing techniques. Our regular Hatha Yoga teacher training in India comprises relatively paced practice of various hatha yoga postures, breathing awareness and techniques, and meditation practices. All of our classes begin and conclude with mantra chanting.
      The practice of traditional Hatha yoga is aimed at balancing your body and stilling your mind, so it can be trained to stay healthy and keep away from external distractions that may hamper your practice. A Hatha Yoga TTC in India practitioner ultimately cultivates a subtle consciousness within the body that assists in nurturing a meditative form.


    • The importance of adjustment and alignment in yoga cannot be overemphasized enough. An extremely critical topic, your adjustment and alignment lessons focus on teaching your how to adjust in each asana without causing any injuries to your body. It is done not only to protect your body from any new stress or injury but also to avoid inflicting harm to any existing injuries. In our Adjustment and Alignment class, you will learn to position your body exactly where it should be. At the same time, if you are pursuing the course to be a yoga teacher, you must learn how to work with your students and instruct them through various poses. By gaining a deeper understanding of anatomy, kinesiology and correct adjustment and alignment techniques, you can ensure that your students safely reap the benefits of yoga for years to come.


    • Pranayama is an ancient yogic breathing technique that is used as preparation for meditation and is a vital aspect of practicing yoga. It improves the respiratory system and purifies the body and mind.

    • Pranayama topics include introduction, aspects of pranayama, different types of prana, types of breathing, Yogic breathing, Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing), Ujjayi (the psychic or victorious breath), Sheetali (cooling breath), Shitkari (hissing breath), Kapalabhati (frontal brain cleansing breath), Bhramari (humming bee breath), Bhastrika (bellows breath), and Suryabheda (vitality stimulating breath), including advance variations.


Yogic cleansing exercises are important to learn how to incorporate your breath and meditate properly during physical aspects of yoga. It also removes the blockages in the energy channels. This will include:

    • Jala Neti

    • Sutra Neti

    • Vamana Dhauti

    • Kapalabhati

    • Uddiyana Bhanda


The purpose of mantra chanting in yoga is to generate vibrations and connect with the universe. Each mantra has its unique vibration.

    • Pratah Smarana (morning prayer)

    • Ratri Smarana (evening prayer)

    • Anna purna stotra (meal time prayer)

    • Swadhyaya Prarthana (study prayer)

    • Some other prayers: maha-mrtyunjaya mantra and gayatri mantra


The practice of mudra is an ancient facet of yoga. Performing gestures affects the energy flow of the body and can change a person’s spiritual and mental characteristics.

    • Jnana mudra

    • Chin mudra

    • Yoni mudra

    • Bhairava mudra

    • Shambhavi mudra


Yoga Meditation is a systematic practice that promotes physical, mental, and emotional tranquility. It increases the vital energy in the body and gives you more aliveness, good blood circulation and a relaxed nervous system.

    • Breathing awareness meditation

    • AUM (Om) or mantra meditation

    • Trataka

    • Tips for developing concentration

    • Silence practice


A  yoga teacher should efficiently perform the practical applications of class planning and preparation. At Nidra yoga School Yoga, students will learn how to create a positive and peaceful class environment for an enjoyable and transformative experience. You will learn:

    • How to plan and structure a yoga asana class

    • Principles of demonstration

    • Qualities of a teacher and teaching styles

    • How to use the breath and voice while teaching

    • Observing, assisting and correcting

    • Verbal cues

    • Functional modifications, injuries and safety precautions

    • Guidelines for each asana (as per manual assistance inversions)


Students will take turns practicing their teaching skills by performing in front of their peers and teachers. There will be demonstration, alignment, and instructions. You will learn:

    • Symptoms of a good teacher

    • Clear instruction

    • Demonstration

    • Proper alignment

    • Individual care of each student


    • Proper understanding of the physical body will help to prevent injury before, during, and after practice.

    • Physical anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.) and energy anatomy and physiology (chakras, nadis, etc). Includes both the study of the subject and application of its principles to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, and healthy movement patterns).

    • Practical anatomy with a major emphasis on muscular and skeletal structures and in-depth study of anatomical and skeletal differences (i.e. compression, tension, and proportion and orientation theory)

    • Introduction to different body systems

    • Proper alignment

    • Skeletal system, muscular system, connective tissue, nervous system, major joints of the body

    • Breathing and respiratory systems

    • Practical applications of anatomy into postures

    • Therapeutic applications of postures and working with injuries in asana class


    • Yoga philosophy is the foundation of our yoga practice and is the key to gaining yogic strength. Through the path of yogic philosophy, you will establish a solid, well-rounded yoga practice.

    • Meaning of yoga, concepts, and history

    • Four paths of yoga (Jnana, Raja, Bhakti, and Karma Yoga)

    • Ashtanga Yoga & Hatha Yoga

    • Prana (bioplasmic energy)

    • The chakra system, its qualities, activating and balancing techniques

    • Energy or nadi system

    • Meditation: introduction, practices, meditation and mind, removal of mental problems

    • Guru and disciple relationship

    • Kriya Yoga

    • Five types of bodies (sheaths or koshas)


When a yoga practitioner moves through the various internal states of Yoga Nidra, a profound experience of relaxation occurs. This is called “turiya,” a sensation of pure bliss. This will cover basic relaxation, tension relaxation, and full body relaxation


6:15–6:30 Kriyas & cleansing techniques (self – practice)
6:30 – 7:00 Meditation in groups
7:00 – 9:00 Practice Pranayama & other Yoga Asanas
9:00 Breakfast & short break
11:30 – 13:00 Theory classes
13:15 Lunch Break
14:30 – 16:00 Theory class or pranayama or self-study time
16:30 – 18:00 Yoga Asanas
18:30 Dinner
19:30 Other evening activities

COURSE SCHEDULE – 200 Hours 28 Days TTC

Booking for 28-Day Yoga TTC

July 2024: 1, 11, 21 
August 2024: 2, 11, 21 
September, 2024: 2,  21 
October 2024: 1, 1, 11, 21, 
November 2024: 1, 11, 21 
December 2024: 1, 11, 21 

January, 2025 : 3, 12, 21 
February 2025: 1, 10, 21 
March, 2025: 1, 11, 21 
April 2025: 1, 11, 21 
May 2025 :  1, 11, 21 
June, 2024 : 1, 11, 21 

200 hours Yoga TTC in Kerala

Course : Upcoming 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Varkala

Start Date End Date Shared Room Non-AC Private Room AC Private  Room
01 August 2024 28 August 2024 950$ 1150$ 1,300$
01 Sep 2024 28 Sep 2024 950$ 1150$ 1,300$
01 Oct 2024 28  Oct2024 950$ 1150$ 1,300$
01 Nov 2024 28 Nov 2024 950$ 1150$ 1,300$
01 Dec 2024 28 Dec 2024 950$ 1150$ 1,300$
12 Jan 2025 8 February 2025 950$ 1150$ 1,300$
01 Feb 2025 28 February 2025 950$ 1150$ 1,300$
01 Mar 2025 28 Mar 2025 950$ 1150$ 1,300$
01Apr 2025 28 Apr 2025 950$ 1150$ 1,300$
01May 2025 28 May 2025 950$ 1150$ 1,300$
01June 2025 28 June 2025 950$ 1150$ 1,300$
01July 2025 28 July 2025 950$ 1150$ 1,300$
01August 2025 28 August 2025 950$ 1150$ 1,300$
01Sep 2025 28 Sep 2025 950$ 1150$ 1,300$
01Oct 2025 28 Oct2025 950$ 1150$ 1,300$

*For men: only single occupancy unless you come with a participant or a group

• The course fee is in US dollars and includes all taxes.

• Included in the fee: are training, accommodation, and meals only.

• Not included: Travel, insurance, any other liability, etc.

• Check-in: From 4 p.m. onwards on the course start date.

• Check-out: Before 10 a.m. on the course end date.

• Orientation meetings are held between 4-5 pm on the course start date.

Accommodation: During the yoga retreats, you will stay in a very comfortable twin-bed room with a private bathroom and balcony, kitchen facility surrounded by a beautiful garden with a large terrace

• We will always give you the accommodation agreed upon, but life happens, and sometimes we may have to make changes if required due to circumstances beyond our control.

1. Application: Complete the online application form. If you don’t hear back from us within 24 hours, please send us an email at nidrayog18(@)gmail.com Please always check your spam if you don’t see our response within 24 hours. You can also contact us at our WhatsApp number, 📞 +91-8086748121 for the status of your application.

2. Booking amount: Once accepted in the course, you will be asked to pay a non-refundable but transferrable booking fee of €400 or INR 34000 via PayPal, Wise, GooglePay, / Direct Bank Transfer. Your place on the course will be confirmed only upon receipt of the deposit amount. This fee will be adjusted in your total course fee.

3. Remaining balance: Upon arrival at Nidra Yoga School of Yoga, varkala by cash, debit or credit card, or PayPal.

About Us

Nidra Yoga School of Yoga is a team of genuine people who have gained knowledge and deeper understanding through lots of practice and experience in yoga and meditation.

200 HOURS 28 DAYS HATHA Yoga TTC In Varkala

200 HOURS 28 DAYS HATHA Yoga TTC In Varkala

Taking roots in ancient knowledge and making a bridge to modern life, this yoga teacher training will guide you through the practical, philosophical

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