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25-day Yoga TTC 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India

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25-Day Yoga TTC Internationally certified Yoga Teacher Training in India. Are you looking for ways to unlock the power of yoga? A 200-hour yoga teacher training program in India could be your answer. Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate-level yogi, this comprehensive program promises to help you hone your techniques and expand your understanding of the practice. The 200-hour yoga teacher training course combines traditional hatha yoga with a modern approach to mindfulness, meditation, and pranayama. The program is designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practice of different aspects and styles of yoga, enabling you to become a more adept and confident yoga teacher. With this program, you will gain a deeper understanding of yoga philosophy, anatomy, and physiology.

certified Yoga Teacher Training in India

You can also experience a wide range of traditional and modern styles of yoga, such as Iyengar, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa Flow. You will be able to learn from experienced instructors with a deep knowledge of the practice. In addition, you will reap the physical and mental benefits of the practice and gain invaluable insights into how yoga can transform your life. With this program, you can invest in your personal growth and development as a yoga teacher. You can complete the 200-hour yoga teacher training program in India either at a dedicated course center or with online classes. Thus, you don’t have to worry about uprooting your life in order to take part in it. Take this opportunity to enrich your knowledge and unlock the power of yoga today.

Yoga TTC 200 hours with food stay all include 1200 dollar single stay, duration 25days

Yoga TTC 200 hour with Food Stay All Includes 1200 Dollar Single Stay
Are you looking to unlock the power of yoga? With the 200-hour yoga teacher training in India, you can do just that! This course is designed to give you all the skills and techniques needed to become a certified yoga teacher. It includes 25 days of intensive practice and training at a renowned yoga center. You can also get a single-stay package that includes food and accommodation at a very affordable price – only 1200 dollars!

Become an Internationally Certified Yoga Teacher in 26 Days

Nidra homatay, Romi v. H, purayil kurakkanni varkala

  • 5 Generations of Yoga Heritage
  • Over 5900 Yoga Teachers Certified Since 2017
  • Worldwide Accredited Certification

The syllabus for this TTC covers all the basic concepts, theories, and practices related to yoga. This means that you will learn the correct form and alignment for each posture or asana and develop your own personal practice. You will also be exposed to a variety of traditional and modern teaching methods and gain an understanding of different yogic philosophies and texts.

Furthermore, the course will teach you about the anatomy and physiology of yoga, making sure that you have all the necessary knowledge to share with your students.

The 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in India will also help you gain the confidence to teach. Through demonstration, practical sessions, lectures, and discussions, you will learn how to effectively guide an individual or class in any given style of yoga. This includes how to safely and skillfully adjust postures, the art of sequencing and sequencing corrections. In addition, the course provides professional development opportunities, such as gaining the ability to market and promote yourself as a yoga teacher.

By the end of this Yoga TTC 200-hour course, students will have gained all the skills needed to teach yoga with confidence. When you graduate, you will have a recognized certification from a renowned yoga school and be able to call yourself a certified yoga instructor. So, unlock the power of yoga today with the 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in India and gain an invaluable experience!

Yoga TTC, 300-Hour Yoga TTC, and 500-Hour Yoga TTC are below:


CourseDATESSharedPrivateOccupied/TotalBOOK NOW
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training1 December to 28 December$999200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training6/20BOOK NOW


CourseDATESSharedPrivateOccupied/TotalBOOK NOW
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training1 December to 28 December$1150$13500/10BOOK NOW


CourseDATESSharedPrivateOccupied/TotalBOOK NOW
500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training1 December to 28 January(2023)$2000$22003/20BOOK NOW

Our Yoga Teacher Training Fees includes:

Best Online Yoga Teachers Training which is Recognised by the Yoga Usa alliance certificate. Deepen Your Practice with an Internationally Recognized Course, Apply Today! Internationally Recognized Certificate At Successful Completion of Course! Free Online Yoga Classes. Learn Yoga At Home Now! Meditation Workshops. Register Now.

Are you looking for a transformative and authentic yoga experience in a serene location? Do you want to deepen your knowledge and practice of Hatha and Ashtanga yoga? If yes, then join us for our 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Varkala, India.

Varkala is a beautiful coastal town in Kerala, known for its pristine beaches, natural springs, and ancient temples. It is an ideal place to immerse yourself in the yogic lifestyle and culture of India. You will learn from experienced and certified teachers who will guide you through the traditional and modern aspects of yoga. You will also have the opportunity to explore the local attractions, enjoy Ayurvedic treatments, and connect with like-minded people from around the world.

Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training covers the following topics:

  • Yoga philosophy and history
  • Yoga anatomy and physiology
  • Yoga ethics and lifestyle
  • Hatha yoga asanas and alignment
  • Ashtanga yoga primary series
  • Pranayama and meditation techniques
  • Teaching methodology and skills
  • Yoga business and marketing

By the end of the course, you will be able to teach yoga confidently and safely to different levels and needs of students. You will also receive a Yoga Alliance accredited certificate that will enable you to teach yoga anywhere in the world.

Don’t miss this chance to embark on a life-changing journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Book your spot today and get ready to experience the magic of yoga in Varkala, India.

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