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Ayurveda Panchakarma
Welcome To Our Ayurveda Panchakarma
Ayurveda Panchakarma
Panchakarma – Cleansing body and soul with Ayurveda

This is regarded as the classic Ayurvedic detox treatment. It is also the most extreme. Five independent cleansing processes simultaneously ensure a radical detox. The aim is to ensure that the organism’s vital energies can flow freely again. At the same time, the three doshas are also restored to their natural equilibrium. This enhances the patient’s sense of well-being. And it also helps the body’s own defences to combat lots of different illnesses. Many people choose to undergo a regular Ayurvedic detox therapy.


Our Ayurveda Panchakarma

Single Room
Panchakarma is performed in three stages that methodically lead the body through a variety of therapies. The first stage is Purvakarma
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Double Room
Panchakarma is performed in three stages that methodically lead the body through a variety of therapies. The first stage is Purvakarma
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Delux Room
Panchakarma is performed in three stages that methodically lead the body through a variety of therapies. The first stage is Purvakarma
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Ayurveda Panchakarma Treatment
Panchakarma is performed in three stages that methodically lead the body through a variety of therapies. The first stage is Purvakarma

2.) Panchakarma: The Cornerstone Of Ayurvedic Therapy

The term Panchakarma literally means “five actions”. In Ayurveda, this means the five detox procedures. All of these ensure that foreign toxins and pathogens are eliminated from the body. The term “purging” is also sometimes used.
This body purification process also restores the doshas to their natural equilibrium. The cleansing treatment is usually accompanied by oil applications, massage, therapeutic steam baths, and Ayurveda-compliant meals.

3.) Why Panchakarma?
Today’s lifestyles almost inevitably mean that our bodies are exposed to substances they are not equipped to deal with, or which are even toxic for us. If our organism is overburdened with these kinds of toxic substances, they can begin to accumulate with a detrimental impact on our health and well-being. In addition, it is common for there to be a build-up of metabolic products that have not been adequately broken down; these are also known as “Ama” in Ayurvedic medicine.
From an Ayurvedic perspective, these kinds of toxins and residues effectively clog up vital physical channels, thus inhibiting the free flow of energy through the body. The consequence is that our equilibrium is disturbed and illnesses can develop. It is no coincidence that there is frequent mention of “lifestyle diseases”; after all, the connection with our lifestyle is absolutely obvious. So a Panchakarma treatment aims to liberate the body from toxins and residues that have accumulated over time.
Steps Followed
The complete process of Panchakarma consists of three steps.

Poorva Karma, which is the preparatory procedure required before the main procedure to enable a person to receive the full benefits of the main treatment. It consists of two main processes – Snehan (oleation) and Sweden (fomentation). These methods help to dislodge the accumulated poisonous substances in the body, thus preparing them for their complete removal.
Pradhan Karma or the main procedure. On completion of the first step, it is decided which of these are to be done depending upon the proximity of the waste. An increased level of upper respiratory tract waste shall call for Vamana. Similarly, a lower gastro accumulation of waste calls for a Virechanam.
Paschaat Karma or the post-therapy dietary regimen to restore the body’s digestive and absorptive capacity to its normal state.

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Nidra yog foundation,Sree Nandhanam building Varkala Trivandrum- 695141

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It’s based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Its main goal is to promote good health, not fight disease. But treatments may be geared toward specific health problems.
Ayurvedic herbs and spices are also an important component of this approach. They’re thought to protect your body from disease and offer a variety of health benefits, including improved digestion and mental health

For many of us, our first thought when we think about health and health management is allopathic medicine. Often times instead of focusing on treating the underlying cause of a health issue, we want immediate relief which is why we think this way. Although the term allopathic medicine refers to conventional medical practices, it is a term that tends to be avoided or even unrecognized in these medical circles. Actually, allopathic medicine and allopathic medical practices are referred in this manner by supporters of alternative medicine practices as well as homeopathic medicine practices.

Among the alternative medicine practices is Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a widely studied discipline in over 100 of the medical colleges in India. Previously, there was some concern from followers that were alarmed by the potential use of toxic metals use in Ayurveda; thus, the Government of India stepped in and requires that ayurvedic medicines and such identify their metallic content plainly and clearly on their labels. Unfortunately, it is difficult to enforce quality control of ayurvedic medicines.

However, Ayurveda is used to treat a vast variety of health problems. Ayurveda is often combined with Panchkarma therapies to remove toxic components from the body. It is used to treat both common and prolonged ailments. In the cosmetic realm, Ayurveda can be effective in addressing conditions like hair loss, graying of hair, dark circles under the eyes, blemishes, early on-set wrinkles and much more. When it comes to mental disorders, Ayurveda can work well for treating anxiety, depression, dementia, insomnia, stress and so on. For respiratory disorders, Ayurveda can be the savior when it comes to allergic conditions such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic sinusitis, rhinitis and others. Ayurveda is used to treat several different abdominal disorders including Anorexia, Constipation, Hyperacidity, Indigestion, Piles and many more. As embarrassing as some of the urinary disorders can be for us, Ayurveda can help treat them including Bed Wetting (medically known as enuresis), frequent urination (medically known as polyuria) and so on. Another area where we may feel a bit shy is skin problems; however, Ayurveda can spell relief from Eczema, Psoariasis as well as other skin problems. Ayurveda is successful in treating reproductive system disorders. This can be quite a personal area for us to seek treatment for, but Ayurveda can help treat infertility, menstrual disorders, male ejaculatory disorders and other reproductive system disorders too.

Along with lifestyle changes, Ayurveda can help in treating some other diseases and conditions as well. Ayurveda can help with obesity in nidra yog foundation Kerala . It can help treat diseases often associate with obesity such as diabetes. Bitter gourd is one of the best Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes. Daily a person should drink a minimum of one tablespoon of bitter gourd juice as it will bring down the blood sugar levels in your blood and urine. Alternatively, one tablespoon of Indian gooseberry juice can be combined with one cup of bitter gourd juice, fresh is recommended, and after daily consumption for two months this will facilitate the pancreas to produce and secrete insulin. Hypertension, more commonly known as high blood pressure, is yet another disease often associated with obesity. An Ayurvedic approach to high blood pressure can
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Ayurvedic Treatment In Varkala Trivandrum Kerala India

Ayurvedic Treatment In Varkala India



Nidra yog foundation Ayurveda, a live in ayurvedic rejuvenation center, is situated near the natural cliff and the holy land of Lord Siva.  Here, you can enjoy the beauty of the natural cliff, the beach and experience the traditional and scientific Ayurveda healing by experienced Doctors and Panchakarma therapists. Best ayurveda varkala,The centre provides the highest quality treatments for various ailments like Arthritis, Paralysis, Sexual disorders, mental stress and strain, Obesity, Vision related problems, Diabetes, Neurological disorders etc. The centre provides special home cooked traditional and natural ethnic food using toxin free vegetables and ingredients. We also conduct cookery shows and classes & Ayurvedic life style classes. This Ayurvedic center functions in a homely environment. This center provides a family atmosphere and care to all its guests.

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Opening Hours
Mon – sun : 6 am – 8 pm

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Ayurvedic Treatment In Varkala
Ayurvedic Treatment

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Ayurveda is the ancient and traditional system of natural healing from India. Ayurveda is based upon remembering, reconnecting and celebrating the eternal harmony and sacred connections between man and nature.

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We Are Available
We Always Ready For A Challenge
Holidayers coming to Kerala for rejuvenation therapy and wellness-based Ayurveda can look for better quality and standardised services with Kerala Tourism’s new classification scheme in place for Ayurveda centres.

Thousands of years before modern medicine provided scientific evidence for the mind-body connection, which continues to be one of the world’s most sophisticated and powerful mind-body health systems.

Panchakarma Treatments
Panchakarma is Ayurveda’s primary purification and detoxification treatment. Panchakarma means “five therapies”. These 5 therapeutic treatments eliminate toxins from the body, they are : Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Basti and Raktamoskshana.

Qualified Facilities
In addition to the qualified doctors of ayurveda, the ayurved hospital consists of a team of well trained and experienced nursing staff team and ward boys.

Dedicated Patient Care
Panchakarma Varkala
Regarding the equipment infrastructure and tools required, an Ayurveda Centre needs certain minimum requirements like massage tables (preferably wooden) of a specific size, Steam bath and Sauna bath facilities, dresses for the patients, utensils of clay, warming apparatus.

NidraYogFoundation  Ayurveda, a live-in ayurvedic rejuvenation center, is situated near the natural cliff and the holy land of Lord Siva. The meaning of ela in the Sanskrit language is ‘The Earth’. Here, you can enjoy the beauty of the natural cliff, the beach and experience the traditional and scientific Ayurveda healing by experienced Doctors and Panchakarma therapists. The centre provides the highest quality treatments for various ailments like Arthritis, Paralysis, Sexual disorders, mental stress and strain, Obesity, Vision-related problems, Diabetes, Neurological disorders, etc. The center provides special home-cooked traditional and natural ethnic food using toxin-free vegetables and ingredients. We also conduct cookery shows and classes & Ayurvedic lifestyle classes. This Ayurvedic center functions in a homely environment. This center provides a family atmosphere and cares for all its guests.







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