Nidra Yog Foundation:

National Symposium on Healthy Yoga Lifestyle – for Prevention of Lifestyle Diseases Arogyadham. Meaning: “When mind has transcended maya (delusion), when ego has become static, when senses are no more functioning, and when all communication between the mind and the senses has been cut, when I and you no longer exist for a period of time, Yoga Nidra starts. Many acharya further explains that For a long time practice, when being disappointed from every resolve and imagination and every obstacles of karma becomes destroyed, the Yogi gets the state of Yoga Nidra”. In this era the formulation, development and propagating the technique of Yoga nidra credit goes to renowned acharya . Yoga nidra is a meditation as well as relaxation practice, first discovered (spiritual master) From an experience an idea came to his mind that sleep is not a state of total unconsciousness. He began studying the Tantric scriptures and after practicing them he constructed a new system of relaxation that was Yoga nidra. In the Astanga Yoga of Maharshi Patanjali there is a state called Pratyahara where the mind and mental awareness are dissociated from the sensory channels. Yoga nidra is one aspect of Pratyahara. In this Pratyahara state of Yoga used the Tantric practice of Nyasa (meaning ‘to place’ or to take the mind to that point). Nyasa was practiced in a sitting posture and involved the use of specific mantras which were placed, felt or experienced at different parts of the body. According to him Yoga nidra is probably best-known technique to induce complete physical mental and emotional relaxation. Yoga nidra is a state of consciousness, which is, neither sleep nor awaken, neither is it concentration nor hypnotism. It can be defined, as an altered state of consciousness. Yoga nidra is a state of magnetism. In the state of Yoga nidra the whole body is magnetized and it becomes full of electromagnetic pulsation, vibration and concentration. With these phenomena, the body becomes painless, respiration becomes occasional, and the heart rate slows down, according to the stimulation or depression of the cardiac center in the medulla oblongata. Various studies have been done to know the effect of Yoga nidra in the field of yogic , et al have concluded in their work, which has been published nidra yog foundation that Yoga nidra has its widespread application as a preventive measure, to be practiced by healthy active people as a means of relieving accumulated tensions, increasing stress resistance and overall of psychosomatic disease. For the practice of Yoga Nidra one should lie flat on his back and follow the spoken instruction of yoga instructor. During the practice there should be no movement by the practitioner, as well as he should try to remain awake and aware of every given instruction. In Yoga Nidra, it is not necessary to concentrate. One should just keep the mind moving from point to point and be aware of every moment nidra yoga experience.Yoga Nidra means sleep with a trace of awareness. Practice of Yoga Nidra in this study is the simplest method of relaxation which is being practiced in the flat lying position of shavasana and follows the spoken instruction of Yoga instructor. The practice includes the resolve, body part awareness, breath awareness and visualization. Scientists are taking advantage of new technologies to see exactly what goes on inside the brains of Yoga nidra practitioners. The neuroscientists hypothesize that regular meditation actually alters the way the brain is wired, and that these changes could be at the heart of claims that meditation can improve health and well-being. But the rigors of the scientific method might never have been applied to studying the practice of meditation Nidra Yog Foundation India : It is time for Yoga Nidra. You should be lying on your back with the knees slightly bent and supported.
Make sure that you are warm enough and that your position is one that will be comfortable for the
duration of the practice. It is best that you remain still during Yoga Nidra so that both your body and
brain have a chance to fully relax, however if you become uncomfortable, please feel free to change
position. Allow your eyes to close and keep them closed until the practice has ended.
The practice of yoga nidra is a practice of yogic sleep that will guide you to the hypnagogic state, a state
of consciousness between wakefulness and sleeping. Try to remain awake by listening to the sound of
my voice. You will be asked to move your awareness to various bodily sensations, emotions and images.
Try not to concentrate too intensely as this may prevent you from relaxing. During this meditation,
please use and absorb what you need in the moment and leave the rest behind. If the mind becomes
overactive with thoughts and worries, just come back to the sound of my voice.
Become aware of any sounds you can hear in this moment. Nothing else but what you can hear without
strain. Begin to focus on the most distant sounds that you can hear. Let your sense of hearing radiate
outward, searching out these distant sounds and following them for a few moments. Move your
attention from sound to sound without labeling the source. Gradually bring your attention to closer
sounds, to sounds outside this building, to sounds inside this building, to sounds inside the room.
Without opening your eyes visualize the four walls of this room, the ceiling, the floor, your body lying on
the floor. Visualize your body lying on the floor, the position of your body, your clothes, your hair, your
face. Become acutely aware of the existence of your physical body lying on the floor.
Become aware of your natural breath, become aware of your natural and spontaneous breath that
moves in and out of your body without any effort. The natural breath flows in through both nostrils.
Notice the feeling of the breath as it comes in and out of your nostrils. There is a sense of coolness as
you inhale the breath. Follow this feeling into your nose, your sinuses, the back of your throat, into your
lungs. There is as sense of warmth as you exhale the breath. Feel this warmth on your upper lip as you
breathe out.
The natural breath flows through both nostrils during the inhale and the exhale. Allow your breath to
become longer and slower. Take a long slow inhalation, followed by a longer slower exhalation. Make
your exhale even slower – notice the slight pause after the exhale. Slow inhale, even slower exhale, and
pause. Feel the urge to breathe in bubble up inside of you. When you need to inhale, please do so. Long
Nidra Yog Foundation: 35 – 45 minute Yoga Nidra, from nidra yoga foundation
Please get ready for Yoga Nidra by lying down on your back and making sure
that you are perfectly comfortable.
Make any adjustments necessary to your clothing or your body position so that
you can maintain perfect stillness throughout the practice of Yoga Nidra.
You might place a small pillow underneath your head as when you relax, your
body will release more deeply into the floor. Close your eyes. Turn the palms of
the hands to face up…in a gesture of receptivity. Make sure nothing is touching
the fingertips.
Remember there should be no physical movement throughout the practice of duration
Keep your eyes closed.
Take a deep breath in feeling calmness & coolness spreading throughout the
physical body.
As your breathe out feel all the cares & worries of the day flow out of you.
In the following practice you are going to develop the feeling of relaxation
throughout the body. It is not necessary to make any movements or even try to
relax. Simply develop the feeling of relaxation throughout the body. It is much
like that feeling of deep relaxation just before you fall asleep.
In this practice you might fall asleep, but it is important that you try not to fall
asleep. Remain awake and aware.
Make a resolution to yourself now that “I will not fall asleep, I will remain awake
throughout the practice of Yoga Nidra.”
In this practice you are functioning at the level of hearing and the level of
awareness. The only thing required of you is to follow my voice. Try not to
analyze any of the instructions as this will interfere with your mental relaxation.
Simply follow my voice with total attention & feeling. Don’t try to relax, Simply
develop the feeling of relaxation.
If thoughts arrive, don’t worry about it. Just continue with the practice. Allow
yourself to be calm and steady.
Bring about a feeling of inner relaxation in the whole body, Concentrate on the
body and become aware of the importance of complete stillness.
Develop your awareness of your body from the top of your head to the tips of
your toes and mentally repeat the mantra Om,
Complete stillness and complete awareness of the whole body & again repeat
the Mantra Om.
Continue your awareness of the whole body, the whole body, the whole body.
Become aware of the fact that you are going to practice Yoga Nidra. Say mentally
to yourself I am aware, I am going to practice Yoga Nidra, repeat this to yourself
The practice of the Yoga Nidra begins now.
Nidra Yog Foundation: Now is the time for you to make your Sankalpa…your simple short positive
statement in simple language….please repeat your Sankalpa to yourself 3 times
with total feeling and conviction and gratitude for it’s fruition.
We now begin with the rotation of consciousness. I will name the names of
different body parts & you will repeat that name to yourself while you will
simultaneously bringing awareness to become that part.
Bring your attain to the right hand and mentally repeat after me, right hand thumb,
second finger, third finger, 4th finger, 5th finger, palm of the hand, back of the
hand, the wrist
the lower arm, the elbow, the upper arm, the shoulder, the armpit, the right waist,
the right hip, the right thigh, the kneecap, the calf mm, the ankle, the heel, the
sole of the right foot, the top of the foot, the big toe, second toe, third toe, fourth
toe, fifth toe.
Become aware of the left hand thumb, second finger, third finger, fourth finger,
fifth finger, palm of the hand, back of the hand, the wrist, the lower arm, the
elbow, the upper arm, the shoulder, the armpit, the left waist, the left hip, the left
thigh, the kneecap, the calf mm, the ankle, the heel, the sole of the left foot, the
top of the left foot, the big toe, second toe, third toe, fourth toe, fifth toe.
Now go to the back. Become aware of the right shoulder blade, the left shoulder
blade, the rit buttock, the lft buttock the spine, the whole back together
Now to to the top of the head. top of the head, the forehead, the right eyebrow,
the left eyebrow, the space between the eyebrows, the right eyelid, the left eyelid.
the right eye, the left eye, the right ear, the left ear.
the right cheek, the left cheek, the nose, the tip of the nose, the upper lip, the
lower lip.
the chin, the throat, the right chest, the left chest, the middle of the chest, the
navel, the abdomen
the whole of the right leg, the whole of the left leg, both legs together.
the whole of the right arm, the whole of the left arm, both arms together.
the whole of the back, buttocks, spine, shoulderblades.
the whole of the front , abdomen, chest, the whole of the back & front together,
the whole of the head
the whole body together, the whole body together, the whole body together.
Please do not sleep (at about 20 min. here)
total awareness, no sleeping, no movement, effortless awareness
the whole body is on the floor, become aware of your body lying on the floor
your body is lying on the floor, see your body lying on the floor in this room
visualize this image in your mind,
Nidra Yog Foundation: Feel the flow in and out of your lungs,
do not try to change the rhythm, the breathing is natural and automatic, there is
no effort, you are not doing it.
Maintain awareness of your breath, complete awareness of breath.
Now concentrate your awareness on the movement of your navel area,
concentrate on your navel movement. Your navel is rising and falling slightly with
every breath.
With each & every breath it expands and contracts, concentrate on this
movement in synchronization with your breath. (long pause)
Awareness of breathing, breathing and awareness.
Now start counting your breaths backwards from 27 to 1, like this……27 navel
rising, 27 navel falling, 26 navel rising, 26 navel falling, 25 navel rising, 25 navel
falling, and so on,
Say the words and numbers mentally to yourself as you count your breaths.
If you make a mistake simply return to 27 and begin again. (Pause for about a
Effortless awareness, effortless awareness, if you make a mistake simply return
to 27 & start again. (Pause 1/2 min)
Now stop your counting of the navel breath and shift your attn to you chest.
Please shift your attn to your chest.
Your chest is rising and falling with each breath, become aware of this.
Continue concentrating on the movement of the chest and start counting from 27
to 1 as you did before.
27 chest rising, 27 chest falling, 26 chest rising, 26 chest falling, 25 chest rising,
25 chest falling and so on, again repeating the words & numbers to yourself as
you count.
Try not to make any mistakes, but if you do simply return to 27 and begin again
(long pause here).
Awareness of breathing, awareness of counting. Counting your breath
backwards. Doesn’t matter if you don’t make it to 1, just continue with the
practice. (pause here)
Cease your counting of the chest breathing and move your awareness to your
throat Please move your awareness to the throat.
Become aware of your breath moving in and out of the throat. Become aware of
this. Concentrate on the movement of the breath. And continue counting as you
did before from 27 to 1. 27 breath in, 27 breath out, 26 breath in, 26 breath out.
Complete awareness of the counting & of the breath. (long pause).
Continue the practice. Counting & breathing, breathing & counting. No
movement, no sleeping. (long pause)
Stop counting and now go to the nostrils. Become aware of the breath moving in
of and out of the nostrils. Concentrate on the movement of the breath in and out
Nidra Yog Foundation: of the nostrils.
27 breathing in, 27 breathing out, 26 breathing in, 26 breathing out & so on.
Complete awareness, effortless awareness. (long pause)
Continue the practice. Counting & breathing, breathing & counting. No
movement, no sleeping. (long pause)
Stop your counting now. It doesn’t matter if you came to 1…. leave your
breathing. We now go to visualization..I will name the names of different objects.
And as I say them, develop an image of them on all levels…feeling, awareness,
emotion as best as you can.
If you are able to find each vision, your relaxation is complete.
Burning candle, burning candle, burning candle
Endless desert, endless desert, endless desert
Image repeat 2 more times
Torrential rain, repeat 2 more times
Snowcapped mountains, repeat 2 more times
Greek temple at sunrise, repeat 2 more times
Coffin beside a grave, repeat 2 more times
Birds flying across a sunset, etc…
Red clouds drifting, etc..
A cross above a church, etc..
Stars at night, etc,
Full moon, etc..
Smiling Buddha,etc..
Wind from the sea, etc..
Waves breaking on a deserted beach, etc..
The restless sea, eternal restless sea, eternal restless sea.
Waves breaking on a deserted beach (say one time)
Now is the time to repeat your sankalpa, your resolution, the same sankalpa you
repeated at the beginning with the same feeling & gratitude.
Please repeat your sankalpa 3 X to yourself
Now relax all efforts and become aware of
Awareness of the whole body a& awareness of
Your body
You are breathing quietly & slowly
Develop awareness of your body from the top of the head to the tips of the toes
and say mentally to yourself Om, repeat the mantra Om mentally to yourself 2
more times.
Become aware of the floor & the position of your body lying on the floor.
Visualize the room around you, become aware of your surroundings. Lie quietly
for a few more moments & keep your eyes closed. Begin moving your body
slowly, please take your time, there is no hurry.

Yoga nidra

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palakkad || yoga festival palakkad || yoga festival palakkad || yoga institution palakkad || yoga course palakkad || yoga online class palakkad || yoga online training palakkad || yoga vacation palakkad || yoga retreat palakkad| yoga teacher training course center kozhikode || yoga teacher training kozhikode || yoga teacher training kozhikode|kids yoga Kozhikode || yoga classes kozhikode || yoga ashram kozhikode || yoga class kozhikode || yoga lesson kozhikode || yoga retreat kozhikode || yoga ayurveda kozhikode || ayurveda panchakarma treatment kozhikode kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment kozhikode || yoga academy kozhikode || yoga festival kozhikode || yoga institution kozhikode || yoga course kozhikode || yoga online class kozhikode || yoga online training kozhikode || yoga vacation kozhikode || yoga daily class kozhikode || daily yoga classes kozhikode ||yoga teacher training course center kozhikode || yoga teacher training kozhikode || yoga classes kozhikode || yoga ashram kozhikode || yoga class kozhikode || yoga lesson kozhikode || yoga retreat kozhikode || yoga ayurveda kozhikode || ayurveda panchakarma treatment kozhikode kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment trivandrum || yoga academy kozhikode || yoga festival kozhikode || yoga festival kozhikode || yoga institution kozhikode || yoga course kozhikode || yoga online class kozhikode || yoga online training kozhikode || yoga vacation kozhikode || yoga retreat kozhikode |yoga teacher training course center malappuram|kids yoga malappuram | yoga teacher training malappuram || yoga teacher training malappuram || yoga classes malappuram || yoga ashram malappuram || yoga class malappuram || yoga lesson malappuram || yoga retreat malappuram || yoga ayurveda malappuram || ayurveda panchakarma treatment malappuram kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment malappuram || yoga academy malappuram || yoga festival malappuram || yoga institution malappuram || yoga course malappuram || yoga online class malappuram || yoga online training malappuram || yoga vacation malappuram || yoga daily class malappuram || daily yoga classes malappuram ||yoga teacher training course center malappuram || yoga teacher training malappuram || yoga classes malappuram || yoga ashram malappuram || yoga class malappuram || yoga lesson malappuram || yoga retreat malappuram || yoga ayurveda malappuram || ayurveda panchakarma treatment malappuram kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment malappuram || yoga academy malappuram || yoga festival trivandrum || yoga festival malappuram || yoga institution malappuram || yoga course malappuram || yoga online class malappuram || yoga online training malappuram || yoga vacation malappura || yoga retreat malappuram |Yoga teacher training course center kannur |kids yoga kannur | yoga teacher training kannur || yoga teacher training kannur || yoga classes kannur || yoga ashram kannur || yoga class kannur || yoga lesson kannur || yoga retreat kannur || yoga ayurveda kannur || ayurveda panchakarma treatment kannur kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment kannur || yoga academy kannur || yoga festival kannur || yoga institution kannur || yoga course kannur || yoga online class kannur || yoga online training kannur || yoga vacation kannur || yoga daily class kannur || daily yoga classes kannur ||yoga teacher training course center kannur || yoga teacher training kannur || yoga classes kannur || yoga ashram kannur || yoga class kannur || yoga lesson kannur || yoga retreat kannur || yoga ayurveda trivandrum || ayurveda panchakarma treatment kannur kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment kannur || yoga academy trivandrum || yoga festival kannur || yoga festival kannur || yoga institution kannur || yoga course kannur || yoga online class kannur || yoga online training kannur || yoga vacation kannur || yoga retreat kannur |Yoga teacher training course center kasargode || yoga teacher training kasargode |kids yoga kasaragod | yoga teacher training kasargode || yoga classes kasargode || yoga ashram kasargode || yoga class kasargode || yoga lesson trivandrum || yoga retreat kasargode || yoga ayurveda kasargode || ayurveda panchakarma treatment kasargode kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment kasargode || yoga academy trivandrum || yoga festival kasargode || yoga institution kasargode || yoga course kasargode || yoga online class kasargode || yoga online training kasargode || yoga vacation kasargode || yoga daily class kasargode || daily yoga classes kasargode ||yoga teacher training course center kasargode || yoga teacher training kasargode || yoga classes kasargode || yoga ashram kasargode || yoga class kasargode|| yoga lesson kasargode || yoga retreat kasargode || yoga ayurveda kasargode || ayurveda panchakarma treatment kasargode kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment kasargode || yoga academy kasargode || yoga festival kasargode || yoga festival kasargode || yoga institution kasargode || yoga course kasargode || yoga online class kasargode || yoga online training kasargode || yoga vacation kasargode || yoga retreat kasargode |yoga teacher training course center mangalore |kids yoga Mangalore | yoga teacher training mangalore || yoga teacher training mangalore || yoga classes mangalore || yoga ashram mangalore || yoga class mangalore || yoga lesson mangalore || yoga retreat mangalore || yoga ayurveda trivandrum || ayurveda panchakarma treatment mangalore kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment mangalore || yoga academy mangalore || yoga festival mangalore || yoga institution mangalore || yoga course mangalore || yoga online class mangalore || yoga online training mangalore || yoga vacation mangalore || yoga daily class mangalore || daily yoga classes mangalore ||yoga teacher training course center mangalore || yoga teacher training mangalore || yoga classes mangalore || yoga ashram mangalore || yoga class mangalore || yoga lesson mangalore || yoga retreat trivandrum || yoga ayurveda mangalore || ayurveda panchakarma treatment mangalore kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment mangalore || yoga academy mangalore || yoga festival mangalore || yoga festival mangalore || yoga institution mangalore || yoga course mangalore || yoga online class mangalore || yoga online training mangalore || yoga vacation mangalore || yoga retreat mangalore |Yoga teacher training course center bangalore |kids yoga Bangalore | yoga teacher training bangalore || yoga teacher training bangalore || yoga classes bangalore || yoga ashram bangalore || yoga class bangalore || yoga lesson trivandrum || yoga retreat bangalore || yoga ayurveda bangalore || ayurveda panchakarma treatment bangalore kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment bangalore || yoga academy bangalore || yoga festival bangalore || yoga institution bangalore || yoga course bangalore || yoga online class bangalore || yoga online training bangalore || yoga vacation bangalore || yoga daily class bangalore || daily yoga classes bangalore ||yoga teacher training course center bangalore || yoga teacher training bangalore || yoga classes bangalore || yoga ashram bangalore || yoga class bangalore || yoga lesson bangalore || yoga retreat bangalore || yoga ayurveda bangalore || ayurveda panchakarma treatment bangalore kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment bangalore || yoga academy trivandrum || yoga festival bangalore || yoga festival bangalore || yoga institution bangalore || yoga course bangalore || yoga online class varkala || yoga online training bangalore || yoga vacation bangalore || yoga retreat bangalore |Yoga teacher training course center chennai || yoga teacher training chennai || yoga teacher training chennai |kids yoga chennai | yoga classes chennai || yoga ashram chennai || yoga class chennai || yoga lesson chennai || yoga retreat chennai || yoga ayurveda chennai || ayurveda panchakarma treatment chennai kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment chennai || yoga academy chennai || yoga festival chennai || yoga institution chennai || yoga course chennai || yoga online class chennai || yoga online training chennai || yoga vacation chennai || yoga daily class chennai || daily yoga classes chennai ||yoga teacher training course center chennai || yoga teacher training chennai || yoga classes chennai || yoga ashram chennai || yoga class chennai || yoga lesson chennai || yoga retreat chennai || yoga ayurveda chennai || ayurveda panchakarma treatment chennai kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment chennai || yoga academy chennai || yoga festival chennai || yoga festival chennai || yoga institution chennai || yoga course chennai || yoga online class chennai || yoga online training chennai || yoga vacation chennnai || yoga retreat chennai ||Yoga teacher training course center mumbai || yoga teacher training mumbai || yoga teacher training mumbai || yoga classes mumbai || yoga ashram mumbai || yoga class mumbai || yoga lesson mumbai || yoga retreat mumbai || yoga ayurveda mumbai || ayurveda panchakarma treatment mumbai kerala india |kids yoga Mumbai | ayurveda panchakarma treatment mumbai || yoga academy mumbai || yoga festival mumbai || yoga institution mumbai || yoga course mumbai || yoga online class mumbai || yoga online training mumbai || yoga vacation mumbai || yoga daily class mumbai || daily yoga classes mumbai ||yoga teacher training course center mumbai || yoga teacher training mumbai || yoga classes mumbai || yoga ashram mumbai || yoga class mumbai || yoga lesson trivandrum || yoga retreat mumbai || yoga ayurveda mumbai || ayurveda panchakarma treatment mumbai kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment mumbai || yoga academy trivandrum || yoga festival trivandrum || yoga festival mumbai || yoga institution mumbai || yoga course mumbai || yoga online class mumbai || yoga online training mumbai || yoga vacation mumbai || yoga retreat mumbai |Yoga teacher training course center trivandrum || yoga teacher training trivandrum || yoga teacher training trivandrum || yoga classes trivandrum || yoga ashram trivandrum || yoga class trivandrum || yoga lesson trivandrum || yoga retreat trivandrum || yoga ayurveda trivandrum || ayurveda panchakarma treatment trivandrum kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment trivandrum || yoga academy trivandrum |kids yoga trivandrum | yoga festival trivandrum || yoga institution trivandrum || yoga course trivandrum || yoga online class trivandrum || yoga online training trivandrum || yoga vacation trivandrum || yoga daily class trivandrum || daily yoga classes trivandrum ||yoga teacher training course center varkala || yoga teacher training trivandrum || yoga classes trivandrum || yoga ashram trivandrum |yoga nidra South |yoga nidra south India | yoga class trivandrum || yoga lesson trivandrum || yoga retreat trivandrum || yoga ayurveda trivandrum || ayurveda panchakarma treatment trivandrum kerala india || ayurveda panchakarma treatment trivandrum || yoga academy trivandrum || yoga festival trivandrum || yoga festival trivandrum|| yoga institution varkala || yoga course varkala || yoga online class varkala |kids yoga varkala |near by yoga varkala | yoga online training trivandrum || yoga vacation varkala || yoga retreat varkala ||

Public speak kerala
Malayalam motivation

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Motivation kerala

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Motivational yoga trainer kerala

Kerala motivation

Ramesh inspired kerala

Inspiration ramesh Kerala

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Ramesh menon inspired kerala

Motivated kerala


Kerala motivated

Motivation speech kerala

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Inspiration Kerala

Ramesh motivation speech Kerala

Ramesh motivational speech Kerala

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